President’s Message
For many years, Ontario’s healthcare system has been under pressure to reduce costs. In practical terms, this means two things:
1) reducing service levels
2) putting more pressure on frontline, healthcare workers to do more for less.
Is there any hope that this is going to change? As for reducing service levels, that is not likely to change any time soon. Tax cuts seem more important than healthcare. Short-sighted, yes, but that’s politics.
On the worker side, however, there is hope because there is HOPE. Although a union cannot force governments to spend more on healthcare, we can – and we do – force our employers to treat us as skilled and dedicated professionals. We can and do force them to live up to the collective agreements they have signed and to recognize our rights under health and safety, WSIB and other laws.
Without a strong, experienced and professional union that understands healthcare, workers are at the mercy of employers. Those who have worked without a union know what that means.
If you are not yet a HOPE member, JOIN US! If you are, GET INVOLVED! We’re a democratic union in which our members have the say. Change your life for the better. Get HOPE.
Paula Randazzo