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Public News Highlights


May 17th, 2024|Categories: News|

CLAC LIES Do you want a Union that lies to from the first day! Its simple if CLAC is this great Union …where is the proof? They brag about great Wages…where are the Collective Agreements to prove it.

Westmount Gardens Staff – Appreciation

October 7th, 2021|Categories: News|

Westmount Gardens Staff - HOPE understands & appreciates how hard you work every single day. Please help yourself to Coffee, Tea, and treats. Wednesday October 13, 2021 1:00 - 3:15 & 10:30pm Hope you have a great shift

HOPE 2220

HOPE is a new union with a lot of experience. In 2011 and 2012, the workers at several LTC homes and other healthcare units decided to leave their old union and start their own – the Healthcare, Office and Professional Employees’ Union.

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